Thursday, September 06, 2007

An unusual, rainy day: The rain is not so unusual but the reason today was particularly unusual was that our hyper kitty, Blue, was being rambunctious last night by my computer and I wasn't paying close enough attention. Suddenly everything went flying and I was no longer able to get online. WAH! Typically dear Greg would be able to sort things out in his IT centered brain. WAH! He was away overnight for work. WAH! He didn't get back to this house until 5:20 p.m. And so I felt lost. Now I'm back at it with my plans to be posting and commenting more regularly.
We'll see.
I just remembered I'd been waiting to bookmark an etsy shop of someone with around 2000 hearts. I hope I can find her again.
I didn't do much art today though you might think it would be a perfect opportunity. Instead I have something like six pairs of my daughter's pants to shorten - three of which are jeans. She is quite petite. Even the pants I buy that are called petite need shortening.
I also had a few moments of crying in my soup but I reassured myself and my family it was allowed because of everything that has and has not been happening recently. I'm better now. YAY me.
This Neil Diamond song seemed to be coming to mind today :

Some pictures of other things I've been creating in the past weeks. I'll tell you more as the time allows and I get something completed. Though you may have to wait until my etsy shop opens.

1 comment:

Judy Scott said...

Keep strong and just remember your angels are with you. I really dislike any sewing that isnt creative and especially turning up jeans etc!!! Your a 'good un'. Sending hugs to you ~ Judy x

the gift of time

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