Saturday, January 27, 2007

Too much: Too much to say (to you), too much to do, but mostly too much feeling tired. And so it is best if I don't do too much of anything.

On Wednesday night I got news of friends separating. Yesterday and today I had meetings and travel. Parts of the meetings were very stressful.

I do not understand what is happening with my friends. I am worried.

I am trying very hard to remind myself not to worry too much. But yet I worry. Yet I am sad.

I will be renewed after some rest. Tomorrow is another day. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday and for angels to be with you.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Mahatma Gandhi


PennyBlue said...

OMG Windy, just moments ago my daughter was saying this is her latest fave quote (we're quote freaks)wow, how weird is that?
Okay try not to worry, REALLY. You'll do them much more good by sending positive vibes. Let Go Let God and know that all will be well.

Fran S said...

it's so true that we cannot change things by worrying. Just be there for your friends. Sending hugs your way! xoxo, fran

the gift of time

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